
Remote Indie Booking Agency

based in New York City

Ryan Mastrelli is a seasoned booking agent based in New York, with a wealth of experience working with musicians of all levels across the United States. He specializes in helping artists expand their live shows to weekenders and tours, and has an unmatched ability to connect performers with the perfect venues to showcase their talents. Ryan's deep understanding of the music industry and his passion for helping artists succeed make him a go-to resource for any musician looking to take their career to the next level.



  • Arrowhead Bookings is dedicated to helping independent bands and artists succeed. We understand the challenges of being an indie artist in today's music industry, and we provide a level playing field for all artists regardless of their size or popularity. Our team is passionate about discovering new talent and helping them gain exposure through our extensive network of venues and promoters.

  • At Arrowhead Bookings, we believe that our success is tied directly to the success of the artists we work with. That's why we offer fair and transparent deals that are designed to benefit both parties. Our goal is to help artists earn a living doing what they love, and we do that by providing them with the support they need to thrive on stage and beyond.

  • Partnered with Elton Audio Records, Arrowhead Bookings is uniquely positioned to help artists plan and execute successful shows.

  • At Arrowhead Bookings, we pride ourselves on offering personalized support to all of our artists. We understand that every artist is unique, with their own set of goals, challenges, and strengths. That's why we take the time to get to know each artist we work with and create customized plans that are tailored to their specific needs. From booking shows to managing tours and everything in between, we're here to help artists succeed every step of the way.